Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What is sleep?

Sleep? Such a foreign concept!
Just now realizing it is almost midnight, and I still have so much to do- of nothingness. You don't even want to know all of the things i should do. I guess, my nap from earlier is keeping me up right now.

Of course, I can sleep at all hours of the DAY but not fall asleep at normal hours of the night. Yet, I am yet to crawl under the covers, shut off my light and dream.  I should probably do that soon. Meaning that my alarm will go off in less than 7 hours. Go to school. Homework. Nightly TV show. Nightly facebook stalking. Bed. Repeat. Sounds like an interesting life.

I'm sure if I had any of these Anthropologie creations I would be frolicking in dream world right now. Oh, wait, I do have a Anthro bedspread. SUPER AWKWARD!

Pretty Arabian Nights
Wow! thanks for outbedding me! This takes my breath away!

And the daunting voice of my laptop just said, "IT'S 12 O' CLOCK". Guess I should stop typing now and do everything  I just wrote about above. Sweet Dreams 

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